My life as a teenage boy .........hmm how do i put it words ....... life is a treat to those who do dare to face it ........ My life as a teenager is full of sadness , rejections , complication, terrible drama, and worst of all lonliness .......... sounds familiar - ya. Most of u must be thinking tat christians are not supposed to full trouble and worries... tat life is fulfilling in security of the church and no hardship ..... but the thing is this ......... Christians are no different then anyone of u guys out there ...... we face troubles .....we face rejections from the society ... we also face hardship ... we also face those terribles words piercing words straight at our hearts, we face disappointment and stress ........
So does this mean christianity is just a religion ? Does this mean that christianity is just a belief system to improve our morale etiquettes ? NO, christians simply means people of the same world facing the pain and challenges with the help of a God ........ and ya we as christians fail to meet up with expectations of the world and maybe do all the wrong things ...... but we believe that love do exist where there is none and hope when there is none .... we believe in someone that exist beyond our imagination........ we believe there is forgiveness ....... and tat makes try all the more harder to meet up with the world ... to prove to the world there is something more than pure sucess .... something more than power... something more than having a perfect live ..........
4 weeks ago
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