One day I was walking down with my good friend and as we were talking. She told me that when she was young she wished she was someone else. That this was not her and maybe some other person can take her place and she would watch. Today, I really felt that I did not want to be myself. I wanted to give up being me. Because being me sucks and the problems that are there are too much. I wished I was another man with a brighter future and another kind of life. I wish this was just a temporary outpost that I could hang out and go back being another kind of life. Won't that be interesting ?
* I guess one of the reason God does not give us so many lives or perfect ones is for one we will mess up both lives because we are so capable of doing that. And another reason is that we would never have asked Him for help if we could have a perfect live. This live is ours. Whether we suck at making it work or just having those problems overwhelm you. This is your choice and your life so make the best out of it
2 months ago
yea itz true...tatz a nice one...=)
Got blog now eh .. hahaha =)
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