There are things in life not best experience - One friend told me this verse and he cynically puts in an analogy. He said something like if you have not experience jumping down a cliff or fifty stories building, do you want to try it ? I think if I would to look back to my life to this point in the future I would laugh it off, wondering how could I be so caught up with so many things. I like the idea of people coming back from the future ( the episode in Heroes when Hiro went back to warn Peter !! ) It would be a cool thing if I could warn myself of all the wrong things before I do it ! Warn myself not eat so much because I might grow super fat ! OR tell myself not waste time being here and focus on what is important- And the list goes on ! What I am trying to say here is- If you not ready for a relationship, don't dive even though you think it is the best thing to do. You dive into it because you are in serious need of intimacy ? Because sometimes it ain't worth it.
3 days ago
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