Saturday, February 27, 2010

We are capable of so much more !

Thomas Malthus predicted the end of the human race with severe famine as we could not control or feed the growing population that seems to take us. To the many of them that time, they find themselves in a struggle to grasp the fact that human survival was ever possible. But as time proves Malthus wrong in his theory of food crisis, one of the critics actually stated " Malthus undermined and belittle the potential of human being in creating new technology for preservation.

We are capable of so much more. If you have looked at the olden age of things we would have realized that what we have accomplished are just beyond words. But as much as we have accomplish, many of the modern critics are suggesting that we are losing the very essence of things. What do I mean by that ? What I am trying to convey is that if we get too caught up with improving ourselves, discovering new technologies and forget the very reason we do things - We are in serious trouble.

One of my "look up" person through out the years Jason Fong once said this.

If we are sing with the loudest voice
and without God
We are just participating a concert

If have the best worship leaders and musician on stage
and without God
We are just a band

If we have the best leaders
and without GOd
We are just CEOs of a great company

If we have great speakers that speak truths
and without God
We are just motivation talk speakers and comedians

If we praise and dance
without God
We are just enjoying ourselves

If we spread the gospel
without God
We are just mere asking others to join a club

If we missed out the original reason why we do things, we will contradict ourselves. NO matter what happens, we must not forget who we are and the reason of why we do such things.


Anonymous said...

Hi, may i know what is the real reason of doing things?

Da Niu said...

Depends on what kind of things you are talking about