Have you ever have the feeling that you are going around in circles like an endless maze ? It a feeling like just when you are about to reach the exit, you find yourself at the start once more. It became so hard that you welled up in your comfort zone. You became so comfortable until you forgot how to try ? I guess things will never move until you take that step forward. Its not that step forward but that unwilling to give up attitude must be present. And Oh yeah, I forgot the most important part. You need someone stronger pulling you out. Guiding you and pulling you out. They play an essential role. As for me, I know God will pull me out because I have faith in Him. Because I know He is good . Because I know that He loves me infinitely that I could never comprehend. He loves my soul and my being. And even though I really don't know what will happen when I pass away. Of which religion is the true way. I am living this live following Christ. For a very simple reason, I believe in Love. Why do sound so vague? What Love am I talking about ? Well ladies and gentlemen, its a warm feeling when comes upon you. You feel that emptiness within you filled. You feel that you belonged in this place. That nothing and nothing can take that place away from you. You ask me why do people run away from this love ? There are many reasons. The first to count is fear. A fear of the unknown, a fear of the troubles, a fear of rejection from loved ones. A fear of discrimination and alienation. Second reason would be pleasure and escapism. They would rather dwell on the "fake" pleasures than to wait for the real deal. And the third. A burn out. That is what happen when one forgets this love. He could recall this feeling as his heart has gone cold. He would accept this love because he cannot sense it anymore. Just like a man who has become blind. It would be heart for love enter his heart.
2 months ago
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