I guess I have a glimpse of how Micheal Bay felt when he worked the movie transformers or his older movies such as "Armageddon". The tiredness felt each night as you hit your room or home is unbearable. I guess if you do not have a class in the morning, it would have made it easier. But none the less, I am sure it is pure hard work. Working with 51 people to produce a play it self is no doubt a head spinning event. 51 individuals who has different concepts and ideas regarding the play that has to stage in a short period of 2 months.
I can never say that I did not want to be an assistant director because I wanted to contribute my all in making this play a success. But as I hold on to this post, I felt the sacrifice are just too great. It is because of this play, I have started arguing with some of my friends and have conflicts with them. It is because of this play, I am having a sudden pain in my throat. It is because of this conflict I appear tired and drained out in class. It is because of this play, I am critizise and looked down upon.
I guess being among people has never been my strong point. I do appear to be an extrovert but many a times I am an introvert because I tend to friendly and close to my friends around me. I have a sense of discomfort if any new people are added in my group. I can safely say I don't have many friends because I am not sure if it is a character flaw but I almost always make enemies with those who are close to me, that is why I do fear a sense of intimacy. People might call me a people "pleaser" because I always try my best to avoid conflict with them because whenever conflict strikes I fall and my whole being is disturbed. I will feel the surging pain and would be utterly lost.
Enough said about myself. I guess MOV is a good play to stage. However, being able to be stage it would a test of endurance and strength. I do not know how long can I tolerate the side effects of directing this play but I guess I just have to hold on and pray each day that My God will be gracious to me.
2 months ago
Eunice was here, and hence the sms...=D
Life's not without ups and downs, not to mention conflicts too...though conflicts often results in rejection, but little did you know, rejection is sometimes a way God propels you to do something He wants you to do (that you would not do if given a choice).
Just do what you think it's right and should do as an assistant director,and the rest leave to God.They will understand one day when they see the result(hopefully it's a good one) of your decision.
Thanks for the advice... hehe I also hope to put up a good play... I am praying that God gives me the grace, strength and creativity for this awesome play !!! Same goes for you God bless
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