"I came into this world naked and i shall depart of it naked " and then he tore his robes and sat in ashes. If you know who i am talking about ? Yup its Job . I reading a book study on him in my quiet time and as i read of the tragic things that has happened to him. I feel his pain especially when he hit by soars and family lost . The worst part of it that he did not receive any support in this time of great need.
The WORD spoke to me. A story or a flash of a vision appeared in my mind that showed a great king seated on HIS throne and as He walks down this path a woman with her child between her arms were waving. The King stopped and looked at the child, he took the child from the woman and took him to the royal service. How sad was the mother of the child. - I was mad to know that - but what the great king wanted to teach this mom the meaning of submit. He was a good king and the son was brought to the royal service. The son grew and was fair in his job. He was even looked up by others and how proud is this mother will be of her child
Many a times things seem to be bad and we just dont know where to go ! We thought God has taken away our precious and we will as if we are helpless and cheated. Instead of sulking and holding a great grudge , i think we should learn to submit unto Him and how proud we will be when He return our precious made more perfect , more new and something more to be proud of :) .
2 months ago
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