Once upon a time , there lived a king who was very very very powerful. He own at least 5 kingdoms and had over a million of staraps and prime ministers and advisers . He was in control and he was the man. People were afraid of him. Some even never seen him but the sound of his name scared the life out of them. This king was great and mighty. Splendor was his second name
BUT he has a problem. He is very into Himself. So one day he built a giant statue of Himself and place it in front of the people asking them to worship Him and those who did not - roast human flesh for dinner. So everyday people who hear trumpet will bow down to this big statue and his ego grew bigger and bigger.
One day he realize that three of his advisers did not bow. They just did not... And it was a big blow to his ego. So with the hurting ego added rage with bad comments from other advisors. He wanted them to be grilled to carbon. So he increased the flame 7 times hotter. Before i go any further, let me tell you abit about this three dudes. They are of a different race from other advisors, they come from a region where they worship one God and his name is Yahweh. They hold strongly to this God that he dont care about the cost.
Anyway back to my story, this king was boiling an egg on his head and he ask them to be put into the flame. Before this three dudes went in, they had their last words and it was My God will deliver me and if he does not i want to prove to you He is Lord of my life. This king just shut off and say in you go , dont talk so much . And then the most amazing thing happen , they were not cook instead they were enjoying the sona inside, they had another friend (an angel ) and they had a great time.
SO the king going crazy ask the dudes to come out and wow no smell at all. This king was so shock that he odered them to "upgraded " to be higher ministers because this people hold to their believe .
At times i fail to be half of this three dudes. I fail to trust my God and I worry a lot. I have other Gods in my life and was troubled . But after talking to him, its time i trust him a little more, CG Spurgeon commented on this story above and he said something like " It is God's nature to throw us in the fire , and it is his nature to be us in the fire ". If you trust him , great things He has installed for you . :)
2 months ago
they honoured God above all!
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